Aaron P. Blaisdell

Ph.D.: SUNY Binghamton
Area Chair: Behavioral Neuroscience
Primary Area: Behavioral Neuroscience
Address: 8538 Pritzker Hall
Phone: (310) 267-4589
Email: blaisdell@psych.ucla.edu
Research and Teaching Interests:
I am interested in animal cognition and behavior. How do animals build and use representations of their world? I use Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning procedures to dissect this question. My work specifically addresses the intersection between associative and cognitive processes. How do rats make causal inferences? Is rat behavior rational? How do pigeons learn and integrate spatial maps? What are the sources of behavioral variability and what is its role in problem solving? I’ve also become interested in understanding human health and disease from the perspective of human evolution and ecology.
Please visit my lab
Dr. Aaron Blaisdell received an B.A. in Anthropology from SUNY Stony Brook; a M.A. in Anthropology from Kent State University; and his Ph.D. in Psychology (Behavioral Neuroscience focus) from SUNY Binghamton. He then spent two years as a Postdoctoral fellow in Psychology at Tufts University and became a professor of Psychology at UCLA in 2001
Representative Publications:
Dr. Aaron Blaisdell's publications