Steve Bennoun


Assistant Teaching Professor
Ph.D.: University of British Columbia
Primary Area: Interdisciplinary

Research and Teaching Interests:

I am interested in understanding which teaching methods best support student learning in undergraduate mathematics and science courses. I am also interested in assessing the impact of curriculum redesign for college mathematics courses. Finally, in the past I have studied faculty development programs, working on understanding what factors can help instructors adopt new teaching methods.


Steve Bennoun completed his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in mathematics at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. He then earned his PhD in mathematics at the University of British Columbia in Canada. Before joining UCLA, Steve was an Active Learning Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at Cornell University where he focused on redesigning mathematics courses to establish consistent use of active learning as well as assessing the impact of such curricular changes.

Representative Publications:

Bennoun, S., Garfinkel, A., & Deeds, E. (2023) Bridging the Gap Between the Biology and Calculus by Teaching Modeling, In T. Dreyfus, A. S. González-Martín, E. Nardi, J. Monaghan & P. W. Thompson (Eds.), The Learning and Teaching of Calculus Across Disciplines – Proceedings of the Second Calculus Conference (pp. 93–96). MatRIC.

Garfinkel, A., Bennoun, S., Deeds, E., & Van Valkenburgh, B. (2022). Teaching Dynamics to Biology Undergraduates: The UCLA Experience. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 84(3), 43.

Bennoun, S. (2022). Transforming a Calculus for Life Sciences Course: Moving From Procedural Calculus to Studying Dynamical Systems and Bifurcation Theory. PRIMUS, 32(2), 246–259.

Bennoun, S., & Holm, T. (2020). Establishing Consistent Active Learning in a Calculus I Course. PRIMUS, 1–13.

Bennoun, S., Haeberli, P., & Schaub, M. (2018). Taking an ethics of care perspective on two university teacher training programmes. South African Journal of Higher Education, 32(6), 137–152.

Haeberli, P., & Bennoun, S. (2019). Quelles articulations entre savoir et expérience dans deux formations en pédagogie universitaire? [On the Connections between Knowledge and Experience in Two University Teacher Training Programs]. In M.-F. Carnus, D. Bailet, G. Therriault, & V. Vincent (Eds.), Rapport au(x) savoir(s) et formation des enseignants: Un dialogue nécessaire et fructueux (pp. 151–167). De Boeck.

Bennoun, S., Haeberli, P., & Schaub, M. (2016). What Values are Implicitly Conveyed in Teacher Training Programmes: A Hidden Curriculum Perspective on Faculty Development. In C. Winberg & V. Bozalek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2016 Combined Conference ICED & HELTASA: Ethics, Care and Quality in Educational Development, Cape Town, South Africa.

Bennoun, S., & Pfeiffer, H. (2013). Weak Bialgebras of fractions. Journal of Algebra, 385, 145–163.

Steve Bennoun's Personal Webpage