Mark S. Cohen


Ph.D.: The Rockefeller University, New York
Primary Area: Cognitive Psychology
Home Department: Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior
Address: C9-420 Semel
Phone: 310-980-7453

Research and Teaching Interests:

Functional Imaging of the Human Brain Through the development of modern methods of neuroimaging, we are interested in exploring the relationships between structure and function in the human brain, particularly as related to higher level cognition, such as mental imagery. Our lab is involved in the creation of technologies – including:

  • Rapid Methods of MR Imaging
  • Fusion of Electrophysiology and fMRI
  • Advanced approaches to MR data analysis
  • Ultra-Low Field MRI using SQUID detection
  • Low energy focused ultrasound for neurostimulation
  • Measurement of Consciousness
  • Information through Images
  • Brain Reading

We are engaged in the active exploration of modern data analysis approaches, such as machine learning, with special attention to methods that reveal systems-level neural organization. Find more on my Personal web site.

Curriculum Vitae

Representative Publications:

Please see my CV for a list of publications. A recent copy can be found at This link.

Mark S. Cohen's web site