Stan Schein


Research Professor
Primary Area: Behavioral Neuroscience
Secondary Area(s): Cognitive Psychology
Address: 8513 Pritzker Hall
Phone: (310) 825-0505, 825-2500

Research and Teaching Interests:


  1. Retinal circuitry
  2. Small signal transmission from super-sensitive sensory receptor cells
  3. Self assembly of molecular cages
  4. Virus structure
  5. Geometry of polyhedra

Teaching: Life Science 2 (Cells, Tissue, and Organs) Psychology 115 (Principles of Behavioral Neuroscience) Honors classes (LS 89 and Psych 189) associated with LS2 and Psych 115 Chem M117/Honors M180 (Structure: Patterns and Polyhedra)

Curriculum Vitae

Representative Publications:

S Schein, IT Ngo, TM Huang, K Klug, P Sterling, S Herr. Cone synapses in macaque fovea: I. Two types of non-S cones are distinguished by numbers of contacts with OFF midget bipolar cells. Visual Neuroscience 2011, 28, 3-16. H Liu, L Jin, SBS Koh, I Atanasov, S Schein, L Wu, ZH Zhou. Atomic structure of human adenovirus by cryoEM reveals interactions among protein networks. Science 2010, 329, 1038-1043. X Zhang, M Boyce, B Bhattacharya, X Zhang, S Schein, P Roy, ZH Zhou. Bluetongue virus coat protein VP2 contains sialic acid-binding domains, and VP5 resembles enveloped virus fusion proteins. Proc Natl Aacd Sci USA 2010, 107, 6292-7. P Ge, J Tsao, S Schein, TJ Green, M Luo, ZH Zhou. Cryo-EM model of the bullet-shaped vesicular stomatitis virus. Science 2010, 327, 689-693. S Schein.  AnchorArchitecture of clathrin fullerene cages reflects a geometric constraint – the head-to-tail exclusion rule – and a preference for asymmetry. J Mol Biol 2009, 387, 363-375. S Schein, T Friedrich. A geometric constraint, the head-to-tail exclusion rule, may be the basis for the isolated-pentagon rule (IPR) in fullerenes with more than 60 vertices. Proc Nal Aacd Sci USA 2008, 105, 19142-19147. S Schein, M Sands-Kidner. A geometric principle may guide self assembly of fullerene cages from clathrin triskelia and from carbon atoms.  Biophysical J 2008, 94, 958-976. S Schein, KM Ahmad.  Efficiency of synaptic transmission of single-photoreceptor to rod bipolar dendrite.  Biophysical J 2006, 91, 3257-3267. S Schein, KM Ahmad.  A clockwork hypothesis: Synaptic release by rod photoreceptors must be regular.  Biophysical J 2005, 89, 3931-3949. S Schein, P Sterling, IT Ngo, TM Huang, S Herr.  Evidence that each S cone in macaque fovea drives one narrow-field and several wide-field blue-yellow ganglion cells.  J Neurosci 2004, 24, 8366-8378. K Klug, S Herr, IT Ngo, P Sterling, S Schein. Macaque retina contains an S-cone OFF midget pathway. J Neurosci 2003, 23, 9881-9887. S Herr, KJ Klug, P Sterling, S Schein. Inner S-cone bipolar cells provide all of the central elements for S cones in macaque retina.  J Comp Neurol 2003, 457, 185-201. K Migdale, S Herr, K Klug, K Ahmad, K Linberg, P Sterling, S Schein. Two ribbon synaptic units in rod photoreceptors of macaque, human, and cat. J Comp Neurol 2003, 455, 100-112. C Burris, K Klug, IT Ngo, P Sterling, S Schein.  How Müller glial cells in macaque fovea coat and isolate the synaptic terminals of cone photoreceptors. J Comp Neurol 2002, 453, 100-11.
