Jennifer Silvers


Associate Professor
Bernice Wenzel and Wendell Jeffrey Term Endowed Chair in Developmental Neuroscience
Ph.D.: Columbia University
Area Chair: Developmental Psychology
Primary Area: Developmental Psychology
Secondary Area(s): Social and Affective Neuroscience
Address: 2243D Psychology Building

Research and Teaching Interests:

Childhood and adolescence are times of significant emotional and social change. Dr. Silvers’ research seeks to understand how and why these changes occur, with a focus on how development interacts with individual differences to predict variability in emotional and social behavior. This research is performed at multiple levels of analysis, and involves the use of behavioral, physiological, neuroendocrine, and neuroimaging measures to understand the neurodevelopment of self-regulation and decision making. The Social Affective Neuroscience and Development Lab is particularly interested in understanding how early experiences, including exposure to early adversity, alters neurodevelopmental trajectories related to emotion regulation, learning and decision making. While the primary focus of this research is to characterize normative development, Dr. Silvers and the members of the SAND Lab also seek to translate basic scientific findings to special populations who are at risk for emotion dysregulation.

Curriculum Vitae

Lab website