Psychology Graduate Commencement RSVP Form

"*" indicates required fields

You must submit this form by May 1st @ 5pm. For questions, please contact Lisa Lee.

Your first name as it should be read out loud when you are hooded
Your middle name as it should be read out loud at commencement
Your last name as it should be read out loud when you are hooded
Your name will be pronounced phonetically. Please provide phonetic pronunciation of your first and last names as they sound, not as they are written. For example: Joe Barenowski (Joe Ba-re-nof-ski) or Josie Liley (Josie Ligh-lee – rhymes with highly)
Do not include middle names. Only indicate two faculty names if you have co-dissertation committee chair(s).
Do not include their middle name(s). Confirm with your dissertation committee chair(s) regarding his/her/their attendance first. If you are uncertain, write ‘uncertain.’ Only indicate two faculty names if you have co-dissertation committee chair(s) attending
Capitalize the words in your title correctly, so we can copy it directly into the program
Write a few sentences about your dissertation to give the audience an idea as to what your research is about. Try to explain your research so that your own family would understand it. You have a 600 character limit (with spaces).
You can include acknowledgments for those who have shown their support during your graduate studies, share your feelings about your graduate experience, or make announcements about postdoctoral, teaching, or research positions you have secured. Barring inappropriateness, this section is completely your own. You have a 1650 character limit (with spaces).
Program Welcoming Remarks
We include welcoming remarks in our written program. Please indicate which of the languages should be included for your family, or provide an additional translation.
To ensure proper catering arrangements, we need to know the exact number of guests you will be inviting. You will receive 4 complementary guest tickets. You can purchase as many tickets as you would like beyond your four comp. tickets. Number of total guest tickets you will order (including the 4 c tickets):
Would you like to be considered by your colleagues to be the Graduate Student Speaker to give a short 3-5 minute speech?*

To prepare for the Chair’s speech for the ceremony, our Chair has requested your help in identifying a few numbers he can share with the audience: