Tuition, State Residency-Application Fees, Deferrals, and Waivers


Application Fees

$135.00: U.S. citizens and Permanent Residents

$155.00: All other applicants

The application fee is devoted to the administrative cost of processing all applications received, and is not refundable under any circumstances, regardless of the outcome, the date of filing, time of review, or if, for whatever the reason, the application is withdrawn.

Fee Waivers

Waivers of the $135.00 application fee are available for applicants who a) participate(d) in one of the programs listed below or b) demonstrate financial need as described below.

Program Participation

Participants in approved programs are eligible for fee waivers. In the application, on the Fee Waiver page, select one or more of the programs in which you participated and upload a letter verifying your program participation. You will be contacted if your fee is not waived with further instructions.

Need-based Fee Waivers

Waivers of UCLA’s application fee are available for U.S. citizens, Permanent Residents and others who meet the following criteria:

  • They are currently enrolled in a college or university and submit proof of receiving need-based financial aid,
  • Or they meet income limits and submit their U.S. income tax form (with Social Security number redacted).

If you are currently enrolled in a college or university, and receiving need-based financial aid (if not a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident, this financial aid must come from the state of California):

  • Submit a statement from your Financial Aid officer confirming all of the above and stating that payment of UCLA’s $135.00 application fee would be a financial hardship.

If the Financial Aid officer cannot provide such a statement, submit a statement from the Registrar confirming current registration and enrollment and the most recent FAFSA Expected Family Contribution or similar financial aid document.

If you are not currently enrolled in a college or university:

Your adjusted gross income (or that of your family) as given on your U.S. Federal Income Tax return must be less than Family Income maximum per family size as listed on the Income Limits table on UCLA Division of Graduate Education site.

  • Submit a copy of your 2023 U.S. Federal Income Tax return. Provide either your own form 1040, if you are independent, or a copy of your parent’s or guardian’s 2023 Federal Income Tax return, if listed as a dependent.

Redact or block out all U.S. Social Security numbers before submitting the document!  If a U.S. Social Security number is visible on the document, the UCLA Division of Graduate Education cannot accept it.

Benefits-based Fee Waivers

Waivers of UCLA’s application fee are available for U.S. citizens, Permanent Residents and others who can demonstrate financial need by submitting a benefits stub from their local municipality showing proof of receiving the following benefits within the last 90 days:

  • CalFresh
  • Medi-Cal
  • California Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program
  • Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)
  • General Assistance/Relief (GA/GR)
  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)/Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • California Veterans Cash Benefit (CVCB) Program

In the application, on the Fee Waiver page, select the benefit provided in the drop down menu and upload a letter confirming receipt of the designated benefit within the last 90 days.

Redact or block out any personally identifiable information (Social Security number, Medical information, Health insurance policy number or subscriber ID, Driver’s license number or state ID, etc.) before submitting documents.

If you meet any of the criteria listed, select Fee Waiver in the application, redact U.S. Social Security numbers wherever they appear in your income tax return, benefits letters or other documents, upload, and submit the application.


  • Residents of California: $7,040.05 per quarter
  • Nonresidents of California (Out-of-State & International): $12,074.05 per quarter

UCLA operates on the quarter system: Fall, Winter, and Spring. Registration cost is based not on per unit or hour charges, but on a fixed quarterly amount. The above figures include the cost of mandatory health insurance. Amounts are subject to change.


Admitted students wishing to qualify as California residents must be physically present in the state (and intend to make California a permanent home) for one year prior to the beginning of their entering term and have established legal state documents to demonstrate intent. Indications of California residency include: registering and voting in California elections; designation of California as permanent address on all school and employment records, obtaining a California I.D. or driver’s license; obtaining California vehicle registration; and paying California income tax as a resident. The listed intent must be established shortly after arriving in California (Resident taxes should be filed as a California resident). For more detailed information, please visit:

Non-resident undocumented students with AB 540 status, like other CA residents, are exempt from paying nonresident supplemental tuition. DACA students without AB 540 status can qualify for state residency in the same manner as U.S. citizens and permanent residence, through documenting 366-day physical presence in CA. The period of time you are in DACA status is considered “legal presence” and counts toward the 366-day physical presence requirement. Undocumented students should consult information for AB 540 & DACA students available at the UC Understanding Residency site (left-hand sidebar).

Further inquiries regarding residency requirements may be addressed to the Residence Deputy, Office of the Registrar, 1113 Murphy Hall, Box 951429, Los Angeles, California 90095-1429.