Procedures and Requirements for Admitted ADP Minor Students

The number of students accepted into the program for each of the 2 cohorts each year is limited. Students may begin taking courses for the minor prior to acceptance to the program but students must be admitted to the ADP minor (and thus the 134A/D, B/E, and C courses and internship) via application only. There are no exceptions to this policy.

  • All courses for the ADP minor must be taken for a letter grade and a grade point average of 2.0 (“C”) is required, with the exception of ADP Internship courses (Psychology 134D, 134E and 134C), which will be taken on a P/NP basis.
  • There is a maximum of 2 overlaps allowed between your major and the ADP minor. Psychology 10 will count as the first overlap for departmental majors, whether the credit is from an AP/IB test, a Community College, or UCLA.
  • The ADP core courses (Psych 134A/B/C) and concurrent internship courses (Psych 134D/E/C) are required for the ADP minor. Permission to declare the minor and enroll in the 134A/D, B/E, and C courses and internship is ONLY granted through application and admission to the minor, which occurs twice annually (in October, for entry in spring, and January, for entry the following fall).
  • Either Psychology 130 or one of the 133 B – I courses is required for the minor, in addition to the core courses/internship, electives and Psychology 10.
  • We strongly recommend that students take Psychology 130 prior to entry in the ADP core course sequence (i.e., Psych 134A/D), although they can apply to the minor prior to completion of the course.  

ADP Minor Course Requirements

Psychology 10Counts as 1st of 2 overlaps for departmental majors, whether taken at a Community College or UC.
Psychology 134A/134D (6 units total)Psych 134A (lecture) – 4 units, letter grading basis.
Psych 134D (fieldwork) – 2 units, P/NP grading basis.
Psych 134A to be taken concurrently with Psych 134D.

*Application required for enrollment.
Psychology 134B/134E (6 units total)Psych 134B (lecture)- 4 units, letter grading basis.
Psych 134E (fieldwork)- 2 units, P/NP grading basis.
Psych 134B to be taken concurrently with Psych 134E.

*Application required for enrollment.
Psychology 134CPsych 134C (lecture & fieldwork) – 4 units, P/NP grading basis.
Psychology 130 or 133B-IOne of these courses is required for the minor. We encourage you to take Psych 130 before your ADP core coursework and internship–this course provides a strong foundation for understanding, researching and working with young children.
Three ADP ElectivesChoose from:
Education 132, 148 (formerly numbered 120)
Psychology 127C*, 129F, 131, 132A-B, 133B-I, 134F, 134G, 134I, 134J, 134K, 161, 167
Sociology M174

*Note: Psych 127C is not open for credit to students with previous credit for Psych 127A or 127B. Please choose a different elective from the approved list.

You will be officially declared an ADP Minor once you have been informed of your admission into the minor and you have accepted the position. If you have any questions about the minor requirements, please visit Psychology drop-in advising hours.