Steps Involved in the Search Process

  • You may select an interviewing committee if you wish and organize initial meeting to review selection criteria and develop standardized interview questions, which will be asked of all applicants invited for an interview. This can be done via email or in person.
  • Review all candidate applications.
  • Determine interview times/dates of finalists, identify and reserve interview location, contact applicants, and formalize interview invitation by sending an Email confirming date/time of interview and location as well as directions to campus, parking instructions, and campus map.
  • Conduct interviews and determine top candidate(s). Please ensure that each search committee member has a standardized interview sheet for each applicant that will be interviewed. You and search committee members should capture notes related to each interviewed applicant’s answers along with any relevant observations. Please instruct all search committee members that these interview notes must be submitted to the Department HR Manager as part of the record for your search.
  • Department Reference Check Form: Once you have identified your top candidate, you MUST CONDUCT A MINIMUM OF TWO (2) reference checks prior to making an offer. The candidate should be notified prior to conducting the reference checks. Individuals with knowledge of the candidate’s employment performance, qualifications, and behavior should be contacted; however, the candidate may request that the current supervisor not be contacted. In addition to conducting reference checks, if the candidate recommended for hire is a current or former employee of the University, the hiring manager should review the employee’s personnel file. If the internal candidate is from another department, please contact Rachelle Reamkitkarn, Department HR Manager to arrange for the review of the internal candidate’s personnel file. NOTE: The internal candidate may request that the current supervisor not be contacted. If this occurs, please request an alternate reference whose input carries heavy weight in the performance review process and be sure to review the internal candidate’s personnel file to review performance history. This step is mandatory and based upon UC Personnel Policies for Staff Members, PPSM 21, Selection and Appointment.