Researchers in Laboratories
- All Principal Investigators (PIs) that intend to initiate or continue laboratory-based research after March 15, 2021, are required to submit a NEW, Phase 3 Research Operational Plan (ROP), listing all personnel and outlining strategies for maintaining a safe environment. All Phase 2 ROPs will be voided on March 31, 2021. Original ROPs can no longer be amended.
- Phase 3 ROPs must be approved by the department chair and dean (or dean’s designee) in order to commence or continue research during Phase 3.
- Space density will increase from 25% to roughly 50%, which corresponds to one person per 125 square feet or two people per laboratory bay. In addition, enclosed offices may be occupied by one individual. Space density should not be confused with research activity, which may be up to 100% so long as personnel density does not exceed 50%, subject to the undergraduate limitations noted below.
- Masking and physical distancing requirements currently in place will continue.
- A workgroup is currently evaluating the impact of vaccinations on whether all members of a research group may return to laboratory work if all have been vaccinated. At this time, safety measures and protocols are not influenced by vaccination status. A subsequent message will be sent in the event of changes to the Phase 3 protocols.
- Activities that can be performed offsite are required to remain offsite.
- Lab meetings and other meetings with more than two individuals must still be carried out via remote mechanisms (e.g., Zoom).
North Campus Research and Creative Activities
- The move to Phase 3 for North Campus includes access to office spaces and reopening studios, labs, rehearsal rooms, and other collaborative research spaces in accordance with LACDPH guidelines; this includes art, design, and music/theatre practice rooms with mitigations for individuals and small group activities.
- North Campus research activities will ramp up to a reasonable extent after careful evaluation by chairs and deans. These activities may include non-employees engaged in research activities, based on LACDPH and campus considerations, and subject to the undergraduate limitations noted below.
- All PIs that intend to initiate or continue research and creative activities after March 15, 2021, are required to submit a NEW, Phase 3 Research Operational Plan (ROP), listing all personnel and outlining strategies for maintaining a safe environment. All Phase 2 ROPs will be voided on March 31, 2021. Original ROPs can no longer be amended.
- Phase 3 ROPs must be approved by the department chair and dean (or dean’s designee) in order to commence or continue research during Phase 3.
Limited reopening of the Charles E. Young Research Library and the Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library was addressed in a March 9, 2021 BruinPost from CRRTF co-chairs Michael Beck and Michael Meranze.
Clinical Trials and Human Subjects Research
Phase 3 introduces no changes to clinical trials and human subjects research, which continue to rely on the expertise of department chairs and deans in balancing the potential benefits of the research to the patient or participant with the infection risks. However, as with laboratory research, all current Phase 2 ROPs for human subjects research performed in non-clinical spaces will be voided on March 31, 2021 and must be replaced by an approved Phase 3 ROP.
Fieldwork and Community-Based Research
Similarly, fieldwork and community-based research will continue remotely to the extent possible during Phase 3.
Undergraduate Researchers
The initial move to Phase 3 makes no changes to the involvement of undergraduate students in research activities. Those undergraduate students added during the initial research ramp-up in summer 2020 may continue to be listed and work under their PI’s Phase 3 ROP, but no new undergraduates may be added at this time. The CRRTF is carefully considering this matter and we hope to have an update after Spring Break.